Paw-Paw, the cat

          I'm inviting you to see this movie. As soon as it begins a tender and rough voice describes us his feelings and thoughts. I took from it this moral fable: never leave someone who loves you waiting for ever, you might break his heart. But if that thing happens at least relieve yourself from the guilty to the moment the lights call you by feeling real love in his two directions: let somebody loves you as you are and please don't be afraid of get mad in love.

     The cat has a broken leg that shows us  he is such a fragile creature. In the cage he is alone and helpless waiting for the day those persons who demonstrated him a little love come back and pick him up. Only after that day his real life will begin. The cage, the waiting and his broken leg are a metaphor.  Isn't that the same feeling we all  carry inside for years generations after generations? Feeling trapped  frozen like sleepers while life is spend   praying inside until someone set us free whit his love? Is not that what we all as human beings are looking for?

     "Paw-Paw. That's what they called me": the cat is so happy because he got a name now. That joy comes from the fact that love reminds us our truly identity and teaches us who we really are and who we can be. "Only beauty is truth" I read once. And isn't our name the most beautiful sound when we hear it renewed from the person we love? We rediscover our name, we reconciled with it because the air that comes out from the mouth who tells our name with his heart is sacred. And finally we are aware that everything can turn into a sacred thing. It is one of those times we realize that all around us could be a miracle.  If we maintain that intuition it won't be longer till we understand that every love proceeds from the same fount.

    Paw-Paw was  honest about his doubts, his pain and his eternal never-ending countdown. He was sincere about the purr saying unconsciously "I belong to you" and he didn't abandon that feeling. Instead, he stayed stuck to it without knowing that the warm  feeling is unpredictable and make us closer each other and requires confidence and intimacy.  That is why it puts our defenses down, and it´s okay.

     I admire Paw-Paw because waiting for love was his only reason to live even after the moment of death. He keeps on the hope of the love arrives even until the last moment. I wonder if we, under the circumstances, could be as faithful as the cat? Even we, the ones who are waiting for love appears,  are walking into our cages asking ourselves how many days will have to pass.  We who lost ourselves over thinking and have forgotten every hope and good reason to keep calm knowing that in the end all will be as it should be and the events will be the right ones no matter what because I do believe deeply inside that something behind all this we are going through guides everything of what  have a place in the map of our lives.

4 chispas crepitando:

Ariel dijo...

Que haría Ud si solo le quedaría 30 días de vida? Cree posiBle concretar todos sus sueños o aquellos que siempre le quitan horas de sus noches en esos 30 días? Que orden le daría a todo? Y que dejaría para hacer la ultima hora de su ultimo día ?

Vasalisa la Sabia dijo...

Probablemente buscaría a las 30 personas más significativas que hoy tengo en mi vida y les daría las gracias y creo que las palabras se harían innecesarias en medio del abrazo. Luego de esta respuesta, creo que mi sueño es apoyar la cabeza en la almohada y tener la certeza de que las personas que amo saben que las amo, cómo las amo y por qué.

Gracias por tu comentario y por acercarte a este fuego. Eres bienvenido. Cuando veas la película dime si quieres qué representa para ti Paw-Paw.

LAO dijo...

Todos de pronto experimentamos estar enjaulados e impedidos hasta que el Amor verdadero y profundo nos hace ser Libres. Gracias por visitar y compartir. Muchos saludos.

Vasalisa la Sabia dijo...

Así es Lao. Creo que en el fondo se trata de alcanzar la máxima expresión de nuestro ser. Y tengo una fuerte corazonada de que una de las formas es experimentando que sólo el amor es lo real.

Gracias por tu visita y por quedarte junto al fuego.

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